Sensing is essential to engineering operations and scientific research. Intelligent systems accommodate a range of sensors to sense the environments and control operational tasks. As such, there is a great need for innovative sensing techniques for new applications of sensors.
Our goal is to combine the next generation of sensing technologies, such as machine vision, noise, vibration, and structural health monitoring, with data analysis techniques to solve the quality challenges of producers.
innovation areas

Visual perception carries more than 80% of all the information our brain perceives and elaborates. Through Machine Vision we can sense, measure and understand the world around us. Innovative Machine Vision systems allow seeing beyond the visible, measure up to micron level and classify images and defects. Machine Vision is a key factor in allowing robots to work autonomously and cooperate with human operators.

Vibration & Noise signals can be used for a large variety of controls, ranging from applications in the production lines to laboratories for product characterization. Those signals require the combination of advanced sensor technology and highly sophisticated signal analysis techniques such as pattern recognition and neural network to perform a complete test of the final products.

Structural Health Monitoring is essential to assess buildings safety after relevant events, like an earthquake or other hydrogeological risks. Loccioni uses its own structures as a laboratory to test innovative solutions. Thus, our SHM project includes several tasks related to the single building, bridge, the environment, installing several sensors distributed among our 2km of future and acquiring different signals.